

20Dec 2016

BaseTek 2016 Holiday Party

By Scott|December 20, 2016|

The BaseTek family celebrated the holidays with a dinner at Welshfield on Sunday December 18th.  It was a fun night filled with games for all ages.  Pam prepared 12 jars filled with holiday treats and even a few with cash for the kids to guess along with help from a […]

19Dec 2016

BaseTek Service Awards

By Scott|December 19, 2016|

5 BaseTek Team Members celebrated service awards (5 years +) presented by Scott at our 2016 Holiday Party.  (L to R):  Scott, Zach, Adam, Bill, Justin, & James



16Dec 2016

PumpTek visits BaseTek South

By Scott|December 16, 2016|

Nice to welcome a visit from a long-time customer and great friend to our BaseTek South sales location.  Bruce has been specifying our PoxyBase pump bases for well over 15 years with PumpTek.  Oh, and you look marvelous in that jacket!


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