

31Aug 2017

Happy Labor Day!

By erinstarner|August 31, 2017|

BaseTek is taking a break from our “labor” to enjoy Labor Day with our families and friends! 

Everyone at BaseTek would like to wish our customers, vendors, and their families a safe and relaxing Labor Day.



BaseTek will be closed Monday, September 4th and will re-open on Tuesday, September 5th.

10Jul 2017

BaseTek Golf Outing of 2017

By erinstarner|July 10, 2017|

Each year BaseTek takes one day to enjoy each other’s company to the fullest. This year, on July 7th, BaseTek decided to take the whole day to go golfing, stand in the rain, play some poker, eat some delicious food, and enjoy each other’s presence. We decided to go to […]

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