Electrical Cabinet Housekeeping Pads
Zanite Plus polymer concrete cast housekeeping pads are available for most every size electrical switchgear cabinet.
Polymer Concrete Housekeeping Pads
A truckload of housekeeping pads for electrical switchgear head south for a municipal works project in Tennessee. Nice alternative to forming and pouring concrete foundations in place.
Veterans Day
Thank you to all who have served. We salute you.
Just another application for a BaseTek PoxyBase polymer concrete pump base along with our high performance grouting material (PoxyGrout). The contractor was amazed at how well our precision epoxy based grout flowed.
Installation was as easy as 1-2-3!
Bases on the Move!
Today we shipped out two large polymer concrete castings. Total weight of each mineral casting was 15,000lbs! These bases are cast out of our Zanite Plus polymer concrete to be used as the machine base foundation for a vertical turning center.
Learn more about our Zanite […]